Party Political Pig Racing . . . just a few days left! At Pennywell – Devon Tourist Attraction

As election fever hots up around the country, the world famous Pennywell Miniature pigs have started a campaign battle of their own as their daily pig races get political.
At Pennywell Farm Devon Tourist Attraction, near Buckfastleigh the prospective piggy candidates run their daily race at 2.30pm. Lining up to start the race, representing Labour is Ed Swiliband, David Hameron is running for the Conservatives with Nigel Forage for UKIP. The Liberal Democrats have Pork Clegg and Pork Scratching is representing the other parties.
While Pennywell’s owner, Chris Murray can’t promise there won’t be any back biting or mudslinging, he does promise it will be great fun.
“Everyone is talking about the forthcoming election so we thought we would run our own daily Pennywell poll.
“The latest news is that Hameron is steaming ahead, closely followed by Swiliband, while Forage, Pork Clegg and Scratchings look set to lose their deposits.”
Pennywell party political pig racing can be seen at the farm every afternoon at 2.30pm and the race to No.10 will continue until Election Day on 7th May.
This story appeared on May 4, 2015