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Hope to see you on 12 April!

Pennywell Farm, Devon Tourist Attraction

The wait is nearly over! Following the governments recent guidance on easing lockdown restrictions, we are excited to announce that Pennywell will open on Monday 12 April. We can’t wait to see you! The team here are working hard to get everything ready for the big day. There will be plenty of spring babies to Read More…

This story appeared on March 1, 2021 and is tagged as: |


Christmas at Pennywell!

We are delighted to be running our Nativity Plays and visits to Father Christmas this year. We invite you to take a very special journey into Bethlehem where the story of the first Christmas is brought to life. The farm is transformed into a winter wonderland with twinkling lights, hundreds of Christmas trees and plenty Read More…

This story appeared on December 1, 2020 and is tagged as: | |

Parent & toddler morning. Join us for farmyard fun and musical play!

Musical play

If you’re stuck for things to do with your little one, we’ve got you covered! Come along and try our toddler morning here at Pennywell Farm on Wednesday 7th, 14th and 21st October 9am-1pm. Join us for some fabulous farmyard fun and a special visit from Georgia at ‘Little Explorers’. Little explorers provides hands-on musical Read More…

This story appeared on October 2, 2020 and is tagged as: | |


Planning a visit to Pennywell?

Family fun on the Farm

It’s fantastic to be open and to have been able to welcome visitors back to Pennywell once again. The whole team here had that ‘first day at school’ feeling when we opened the gates post lockdown but now we are used to new ways of working, we’re comfortable and enjoying sharing all the fun of Read More…

This story appeared on September 4, 2020


Pennywell officially reopens on the 4th of July!

We are delighted to officially announce that we will be reopening Pennywell Farm on the 4th July! We will be starting with a phased reopening In line with the latest government guidelines and can’t wait to welcome you back. Our team has been busy preparing the farm to ensure that we can uphold social distancing and Read More…

This story appeared on June 29, 2020


We’re planning for a phased reopening soon!

Based on the latest government guidance and feedback from a poll carried out with our visitors, Pennywell could soon be open again! A phased reopening is planned and we have introduce enhanced health and safety measures for the safety of both our team and visitors. One of the most important steps will be to reduce Read More…

This story appeared on June 23, 2020