From one season to the next At Pennywell – Devon Tourist Attraction

Another season over at Pennywell – Devon Tourist Attraction and we are very grateful for such fantastic visitors throughout the year and what a year it’s been. It began back in January with a special award for water management in the South West Region Tourism Awards and being awarded Best Green Business in the Herald Express Business Awards.
After a VIP Half Term in February, Pennywell hosted its very first Springboard to Tourism event.
A military honour followed in March when Pennywell received a Commendation from the Chief of the Defence Staff in appreciation of the complimentary days out Pennywell has offered to service families over the past eleven years.
A bumper Easter was a huge blessing and a wonderful wedding on the farm this summer was very special.
The season was rounded off perfectly when Pennywell won Best Visitor Attraction and Best Marketing Campaign in the English Riviera and South Devon Tourism Awards in October. It was a very special evening with lots of fun as you can see from the picture!
The farm is now closed to visitors for the season but we are already hard at work with the transformation from farmyard to winter wonderland.
The Nativity Plays and visits to Father Christmas start on 29 Nov and are booking up quickly so make sure you don’t miss out!
We will also be very busy over the next few months planning great new things for 2015 so keep an eye on our events page as there are some important dates to put in your diary for next year. Hope to see you in December.